How to Get Rid of Postpartum Menstrual Symptoms for Good

A not so sexy topic, but something that so many of us mamas struggle with after birthdebilitating menstrual symptoms, postpartum bleeding, hormonal changes, irregular periods, heavy bleeding, and period pain!

The days leading up to my cycle have turned into feeling like I’m going into labor, with a side of the flu. Yeah, it ain’t pretty.

Since getting my period back postpartum, both times, I had to find a way to function with having little ones running around. And I wanted to learn about natural remedies whilst trying my best to avoid using ibuprofen and painkiller medicine.

During my journey of pregnancy, I tried to be as ‘natural’ and holistic as possible with my health, which continued on whilst I was nursingbecause you can’t take a lot of medicines during the breastfeeding phase anyway.


What No One Tells You About Your Postpartum Periods

As with everything postpartum and after birththings change. Unfortunately, the return of your menstrual cycle isn’t always just ‘back to business’ as usual. In most cases, it’s initially less predictable, can be stronger due to shedding remaining clots and lining from delivery, and in my case, was way more painful.

To paint a picture, when I got my period back after my firstborn, I was exactly 1 year postpartum, thanks to exclusively breastfeeding. But, I started getting symptoms 7 months postpartum, and I didn’t know what it was!

I’d get flu-like symptoms, and felt like I was coming down with sickness or mastitisyou know the feeling; just run down, achy, and crampy. And it would last about 24-48 hours and nothing ever came of it. 

No sickness, no clogged ducts, and I just chalked it up to dehydration or being fatigued whilst transitioning into having a little one running around 24/7. I knew there had to be some correlation to something, but I simply couldn’t pinpoint it. 

I went to the doctor; had my thyroid checked, got tested for Lymes disease, and had CBC (complete blood count) tests only to get normal, healthy results back and was told to drink more waterand maybe start taking a Vitamin D supplement.


What Helped My Menstrual Symptoms

When my CBC (complete blood count) came back normal and my test results were negative, I had exhausted so many ideas of what could be ‘wrong’ with me and just wanted an answer. 

It was then that something clicked. I backtracked to the day when I was feeling these symptoms, and it was every 4 weeks. Could it be my cycle? 

I never had menorrhea (menstrual blood). But, the correlation between calendar days and when I felt crummy did not seem coincidental to me though. And sure enough, on January 19th, 2020, I came down with aches, and chills, and felt like I was getting sick. And later that day came the menorrhea. BINGO!

Even though I really wasn’t that chuffed to see Aunt Flo back in town, I really was elated to have found an answer. The next step was to find a solution… 

I was still nursing and didn’t want to take any menstrual medications, so I dove into research while simultaneously making sure I was filling up on water and eating as healthy as possible during that ‘time of the month’.

I quickly learned that having such painful, irritable, and moody PMS (Premenstrual syndrome) symptoms, didn’t have to be my normal. 

We have different phases of our cycle throughout the month, not just the menstrual bleeding phase, and there were ways to help my body thrive during each one of these 4 phases.

I learned what foods help reduce symptoms, what types of exercises are beneficial, and also what types of vitamins and supplements can help me alleviate these horrible PMS symptoms.

It’s important to note that everyone’s health and wellness is a unique journey, so we might not have identical results, but I would recommend doing your own research on what types of foods, exercises, vitamins, and supplements can help you, too.

Below are some vitamins and supplements that have changed my life and helped me to get rid of my uncomfortable and inconvenient menstrual symptoms, whilst also helping with my anxiety, too.

Magnesium Glycinate

Vitamin D

Soul CBD supplements.

I had been curiously learning about the rise of CBD and its possible benefits. I graciously accepted to try some samples, and the rest was history.

You can even take a quick quiz to learn more about the products and how they can help you, but here are the specific products I use from Soul:

Harmoni Gummies

Chill Capsules

And get $20 off your first order of $50 or more using this link.

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    Frequently Asked Questions…


    How Long Does It Take To Get Your Period After Having A Baby?

    The timing for your menstruation to return varies from person to person and situation to situation. 

    According to Heathline, if you are not breastfeeding, your period may come back 6-8 weeks postpartum.² However, if you are breastfeeding, it may come back months later, or even after your first year postpartum. 

    Some women who exclusively breastfeed find that they don’t have a period the entire time they are nursing. And, once your period does return, you might find that it’s irregular before generally returning to its normal frequency.

    I personally got my first postpartum period exactly one year later and was still breastfeeding about 4 times a day. I did, however, start getting symptoms without menorrhea (menstrual blood) at about 7 months postpartum. Whereas with my second, I got my cycle back 14 months postpartum.


    What Can I Expect For My First Postpartum Period?

    It is so different for each woman, so it’s really hard to say…

    Your first period postpartum may be heavier and more painful, or it may be lighter and easier. It might last longer than your periods before pregnancy or they might be shorter. 

    The flow and duration of my menstrual cycle were about the same as pre-pregnancy. But, I personally found that the symptoms leading up to my cycle gave me the most discomfort and inconvenience.


    Are Periods Worse After Pregnancy?

    This all depends on the individual person. Your menstruation symptoms, flow, duration, and overall cycle may be different than what it was pre-pregnancy. Some women experience a pattern shift such as differences in symptoms, cramps, duration, heaviness, and mood changes (or all of the above) after their first baby. 

    And then may go through another complete pattern shift after their second or third child. While still, others have no changes at all.


    How Do I Cope With All The Lifestyle Changes?

    This was probably the hardest for me… and I expect all my type-A, routine-driven mamas can relate!

    It took a lot of time and effort, but I had to adjust to the fact that there would be no schedules or routines for a while!

    I accepted that my kids were going to call the shots for a bit, and I would try to condition the consistency of their behavior. And once I surrendered my feelings and accepted it was ok to struggle a little bit, we stopped clashing and began to fall into a rhythm as a family.

    In terms of coping with mental health problems, I suggest journaling, praying, or talking to someone about your feelings. It helps so much to get those emotions out!

    Also, I highly recommend reading more about the fourth trimester. Check out my blog article here for more tips!

    You might also experience postpartum depressionbecause it’s really common. According to NCBI, around 1 in 7 women experience postpartum depression.¹ If you’d like more information and tips to support your mental health through childbirth and the baby blues, then check out my blog here on postpartum anxiety for more information.


    I Used To Care About My Health And Wellbeing And Now I Am StrugglingWill I Ever Care About Myself Again?

    It will most likely take work, discipline, and a decision to want to care for yourself again, but yes if you truly want to feel better, you can do it.

    It can be hard work, and you might need support, but it is possible to regain your identity and start feeling like yourself again.

    If you’d like some more tips on how to rediscover yourself after motherhood, be sure to check out my blog article here.

    You might also want to check out my blog article on self-care practices for postpartum moms here.

    Just remember, that many of the things you were used to prior to having your kids, will most likely be different postpartum. 

    But like everything in motherhood, soon enough you’ll fall into a normal routine with your cycles again. 

    *If you do try any of the lifestyle changes or supplements I suggested, I would love to hear if it also helps to soothe or get rid of your postpartum menstrual symptoms too. Please let me know in the comments below!


    *Affiliate Disclaimer: I only ever endorse products or programs that I have personally used and benefited from. This post may contain affiliate links which means I’d receive a small commission, at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase using my links. If you do make a purchase – thank you for helping to support my family through my blog!

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