5 Easy Time Management Strategies For Moms | Tips For Overwhelmed Moms

I get it. There are a million things pulling you left, right, and center, and you just can’t do it all! Been there. Done that. It’s no fun and is a quick way to get burnt out or committed to a mental hospital…

No one benefits when you’re not grounded and balanced. Your relationships suffer, you suffer, your kids don’t get the best of you, and life just seems… too much!

If you’re a working mom, busy mom, single mom, overwhelmed mom, home mom, home-schooling mom, new mom, or stressed mom then you’re in the right place, mama. 

I’m here to help you get your life back on track and provide some great tips to reduce that overwhelm and get back in the lovin’ life lane.


How Do Stay At Home Moms Manage Their Time?

With practice. There’s no magic pill. No instant cure. And you can’t buy a contraption for it on amazon. 

You need to know how to pull off good time management structure and organizational habits, combined with having the discipline and perseverance to pull it all off.

My courses and resources are designed to take you by the hand through the structure that you need to regain balance. And my loving community also holds you accountable so that you have the perseverance to pull it off even when you want to pack it all in. I’m here for you mama. We’re here for you!


How To Manage Time With Baby And Housework

Time blocking, meal planning, home management tips, time management skills, realistic goal setting, daily routine, and more. 

Things can get crazyquicklywhen you have a new little one on your hands. You can try to prepare as much as possible, but it’s still no easy feat running a household combined with motherhood. 

On top of that, we all have different living and lifestyle situations! Maybe you’re a brand new mom with no other kids, and therefore no previous experience, or perhaps you’re a second or third-time mom, which means you have the experience but also extra feet running around and getting into mischief! 

Perhaps you’re a single parent with no additional help, or are you a home-schooling mom who doesn’t get that time when your kids are at school? 

Financial stability also comes into playbecause money provides options such as a helping hand or nice pamper treatments for yourself to relax and rejuvenate. By the way, when was the last time you treated yourself to a massage or quality time by yourself?

Check out my blog on self-love tips for busy moms for some self-care inspiration.

If you’re a single mom without an extra family member around to help, then combining child care with household chores becomes a nightmare. In all honesty, it’s a huge juggle and task even when you do have a helping family member around!

The main thing to remember is that it is possible. With the right framework, you can go from being a stressed mom who is always at her wit’s end, to a mom that is able to dedicate loving quality time with your little one, to yourself, and with your friends and family.


Time Management Strategies For The Overwhelmed Mom

Let’s dig into some easy time management skills for moms who want to cut the anxiety and start manifesting joy, fulfillment, and peace.


1. Meal Planning

You might have heard of this one a lot, but it’s super simple and it gets really overlooked. Cooking is a central part of family life. You want to eat healthy food, and you want your kids to eat healthily too. But when you’re stressed, overwhelmed, and busyit’s easy to overlook your diet and the diet of your family. So whatever goes and then rolls in the mom guilt. Ugh.

It becomes a vicious cycle because a poor diet can actually contribute to poor mental health, anxiety, and stress. A poor diet can exasperate your already overbearing stress.

Whereas if you take a step back to meal plan in advance, you can improve your mental health and ensure that your kids are getting nutritious meals too. It might take a teething period whilst you get used to the transition. But it’s worth it.

Bulk buy to save money, meal prep and freeze in advance so that you can simply heat nutritious food when you’re in a rush.

If you need some inspiration then check out my blog on delicious meal recipes for busy moms!


2. Time Blocking

A 2018 study by the Iranian Journal of Public Health found that time management training resulted in positive improvements in anxiety, sleep quality, and depression in women.

Trying to juggle a million chores at once and jumping from one task to another is stressful for anyone. Learning how to time block is a great time management strategy for busy moms.

This means grouping tasks together based on the type of task it is so you don’t waste time stopping and starting different tasks.


3. Schedule Household Chores

Public service announcement! Stop running around and trying to do it all.

You can’t. No one can. Give it up momma. Let it go.

It doesn’t matter that there are lego everywhere or puzzle pieces in the cereal box. It’s fine. Let it go.

Running a household as a mom is different than running a household as a single woman. It’s going to feel chaotic a lot of the time because kids don’t think like adults. They have a short attention span. They’re into everything.

But you know what? As long as your household is safe for your kidswho cares if Linda from kindergarten comes over and sees that you didn’t pack away the crayons and Buzz Lightyear?

Schedule your household chores, whether that’s first thing in your morning routine or last thing at night, and then let go of what happens in between. You live in a well-lived and well-loved home, not an Architectural Digest showroom.

P.S. Just don’t step on that lego mama…


4. Define A Daily Routine

Schedules and routines are going to get broken, you’re running a household, not a Navy SEAL boot camp. But that being said, daily routines are going to help reduce anxiety because many of us do thrive on habits and routines.

A 2018 clinical review by the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine noted that routine is not just important for children, but the entire family in general.¹ Consistent bedtime routines are correlated to better sleep habits and healthier family functioning. Whereas general family routines for the household have been linked to better development of social skills and even academic success!

Not only that but sticking to family schedules has been noted to enhance family resilience during times of stress and crisis. It’s safe to say, routines enhance our health and the health of our families.

Define a daily routine that serves you and your family, and try your best to stick to it, but not religiously to the point that it causes stress if it’s not strictly adhered to. 

Be compassionate, give yourself and your family some leeway and flexibility, but also be firm in enforcing and leading the structure and routine.

If you want help with setting up the structure and reaching habit goals then check out my free habit tracker!

FREE Habit Tracker with Journal Prompts For Moms

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    5. Set Mom Life Goals

    You’re not just a momma, Goddess. You’re still a woman, an individual, and you have needs, desires, dreams, and goals.

    Or do you have personal goals?

    When was the last time you thought about your personal goals that didn’t involve your kids, friends, or family members?

    This is your prompt to: make a personal vision board. Make a to-do list just for you.

    It might seem counterproductive to add more tasks to your to-do list when you’re already overwhelmed. But achieving personal goals and doing things you love actually helps to reduce stress. 

    Achieving personal goals helps to enhance fulfillment and happiness which in turn reduces a sense of overwhelm and equips you better to deal with challenges.

    Take time for yourself. Read that book. Watch that film. Do the thing girl. Everything else can wait. 

    Want some journaling prompts that will help you to find yourself again? Check out my free journaling prompts for moms!

    41 FREE Journal Prompts For Moms

    Do you want to feel more grounded? Calm? Happy? Fulfilled?

    These FREE journal prompts are designed specifically for you, mama. So that you can find yourself again in the midst of chaos.

    Stop surviving, and start living by signing up below to receive your FREE journal prompts now.

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      Importance Of Time Management For Parents

      Time management is vital for busy moms because not only do you have your life to manage, you now have to coincide the sliding doors of multiple lives that you cohabit with. And this can be really stressful.

      Sitting down to schedule your time, time for your kids, time for work, time for your partner, time for household chores, friends, and family is really important.

      If you don’t you’ll have all these thoughts, tasks, and to-do’s floating around in your head and it’ll most likely manifest as anxiety and stress. Getting on top of things can be challenging at first because it is different and new… It’ll take some teething time. But once you get on top of it, you’ll never look back.



      I hope these ideas for busy moms and tips for wellness in motherhood and time management strategies help you and your family! Let me know in the comments what works for you and what you’d like to see added to the list. 

      How would it feel to have an entire step-by-step plan on how to wake up from autopilot and overcome your survival mode cycle once and for all?

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