Frustrated because you don’t know where to start in managing your time? Follow these weekly reflection and prep prompts to learn how to be intentional and proactive in prioritizing your habits

22 | Frustrated because you don’t know where to start in managing your time? Follow these weekly reflection and prep prompts to learn how to be intentional and proactive in prioritizing your habits

Do you feel you know what to do in managing your time and prioritizing your habits, but you aren’t really sure how to do it within your life? It can be frustrating seeing all these time management tips and productivity hacks but with no real meat as to how to implement it within your life. 

You think, where should my focus be? How can I do that with little kids? Or being a stay at home mom? That may work for them, but that definitely won’t be able to fit into my life…

Well let me tell you something, it doesn’t have to. 

You’re frustrated because it is frustrating seeing all these black and white, hustle mentality tips out there…

Today’s episode is catered to you. Customized to your life, because you hold the pen, mama. 

We are going to be talking about how a 10 minute weekly reflection and prep exercise can help you in not only managing your time but also prioritizing your habits to bring joy, peace, and clarity back to your life.

Let’s get to it.

I pray this episode will grow and help you in some way. Sending my love and light,


Mentioned in the show:

Clarity Call:

Motherhood Empowerment Community:

P.S. Want to work together to break free from your survival mode cycle and feel like you again? Start here:

Step 1. FREE email mini course: 5 Days to Finding Yourself Again in Motherhood

Step 2. Join our FREE Motherhood Empowerment Circle for support, advice, lifelong relationships, freebies galore, and first to know access!

Step 3. Browse simple, actionable, sustainable mama resources customized to you

Contact me directly: 


~ L&L, J

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