12 Tips To Survive The Fourth Trimester: Easy Guide For Postpartum Motherhood

Having a newborn can be tough, especially if you’re a new mom. The good news is, you have time to prepare, and in all honestythere’s a lot that you simply have to learn within the moment.

In this survival guide, I share my top tips on how to get through the first trimester with your sanitysomewhatintact. 


What Is The Fourth Trimester?

The fourth trimester of pregnancy is described as the 3 month period after childbirth where the baby and new parents are transitioning into an unchartered new world. It’s stated that if our bodies could withstand pregnancy for another 3 months, our babies would choose to remain in utero.

So, as our newborns are transitioning into a whole new world outside the womb, as a mother, you are also transitioning into a whole new world with your newborn too. There are so many changes going on for your entire family.

You’ll find yourself going through physical, emotional, hormonal, mental, and identity-based changes. During the fourth trimester, it’s a very special time in which you’ll be finding your new rhythm while bonding, healing, and learning.

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    1. Ask for Help

    Whether it’s help with grocery shopping, meal preparation, household chores, or anything elsesimply ask for help. You are not expected to do it all and will burn yourself to the ground if you try. 

    Ask family and friends to assist in anything that will take a load off yourself. 

    And if you are nursing, I highly recommend making an appointment with a lactation consultant if you can. The first couple weeks of breastfeeding are trial and error. I made an appointment to get educated and felt way more confident because of it. You don’t have to be struggling to ask for help. Be proactive and ask ahead of time. If you can’t afford a lactation consultant then ask for tips from other moms and look up tutorial videos online from recommended doulas and lactation specialists.


    2. Take Time To Heal

    Give yourself some grace. It takes your body a minimum of 6 weeks to heal from the experience of childbirth. Even if you think you’ve healed on the outsideyour stitches may have dissolved, you may have been keeping those hemorrhoids at bay, and can’t see any more bleedingyour body will still be doing a lot of internal healing behind the scenes.

    Always consult your trusted medical health professional, because your healing time will be unique to your circumstances and health, but in general wait at least 8 weeks to exercise and have sex.


    3. Don’t Forget To Eat And Drink

    It may sound obvious, but when your life revolves around an unpredictable newborn, you forget the most basic self-care and survival-based things for yourself that were once habitual in your life.

    Keep a full water bottle nearby at all times. Try to eat 3 large or 6 small meals a day. Drinking enough water and eating enough nutritious food is vital for healing and good physical and mental health.


    4. Skin-To-Skin And Baby Wear

    Skin-to-skin helps to release ‘feel good’ hormones that aid in postpartum recovery for you and your baby. In addition to that, baby-wearing helps you to save time and makes you way more mobile. It really helps to have your baby in a wrap attached to you so you can get on with life and the things you need to do.

    A clinical journal notes that skin-to-skin plays an important role in health and bonding for both mother and child, especially within the first hour after birth.²


    5. Sleep Or Do Something that Makes You Feel Like You

    When your baby naps, choose what you want to do wisely. Ignore the common advice and just do what makes you feel good. Whether that’s cleaning, also napping, working on your business, or squeezing in a quick workout. Do something every day that keeps you feeling like you.

    If you’d like more tips on how to rediscover your identity in motherhood, then be sure to check out my blog post here.

    Sleeping enough and getting enough rest is vital during the postpartum period, because inadequate sleep can lead to mood swings and general poor mental health.


    6. Silence And Focus On Your Breathing

    It gets really noisy with a newborn. I mean, noise in your house, and also your mind. Somehow, as much joy as babies bringthey can also bring a bit of chaos too if you’re not careful. Take 10 minutes every day to sit in silence and focus on your breathing to destress.


    7. Express Gratitude Daily

    Having a gratitude journal is so helpful because it helps you to focus on the positive, and what you have to be thankful for. As opposed to focusing on the negatives and the struggles. Try to write down 3 things that you’re grateful for every single day.


    8. Accept And Validate Your Feelings

    There can be a lot of feelings and emotions flying around during the postpartum period. Don’t ever think you’re alone, because you’re not.

    And whatever you’re going through with your unique and very personal experienceit’s ok.

    Honor your emotions and surrender to your feelings, but also stay mindful, intentional, and proactive in feeling the way you want to feel.


    9. Move Your Body As Much As Possible

    It really helps to go for walks and to keep active. Yes, you are resting but it’s not wise to spend all day sitting or laying down. Get outside and go for walks with your newborn if you are able to.

    If you’d like some more tips on body positivity then check out my blog here for some free printable positive body image worksheets.

    A clinical journal notes that exercise is an important therapeutic tool for the prenatal and postpartum periods.¹


    10. Do Something Alone, For You, Everyday

    I like to take what I call a ‘5er’. A 5er is 5 minutes in silence and alone. It’s a time in which you can gather your thoughts, take a breath, and find some peace.

    If taking a 5er is all you can do for that daythen great, so be it. But my advice is to really do something you love each and every day that really nourishes your soul. Whether that’s journaling, reading, meditating, walking, painting, etc.


    11. Watch Out For Postpartum Depression

    Baby blues are very common. Most women experience a dip in mood during the postpartum period. However, as a new parent, it’s important to keep an eye out for postpartum depression symptoms, postpartum anxiety, and postpartum OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) after birth. In severe cases, postpartum psychosis can occur too. If you’re experiencing poor mental health during the postpartum period, don’t be afraid to reach out to your trusted medical healthcare practitioner. Telehealth options mean that you don’t even need to leave the house, often you can simply arrange a telephone or video call with a certified medical professional. 


    12. Invest In A Postpartum Doula

    Not everyone can afford a postpartum doula, it most definitely is a luxury and a privilege. But with that being saidif you can afford a postpartum doula they most definitely are worth it. A postpartum doula will support you during the postpartum period and can help with anything you need from cooking and cleaning to taking care of your baby whilst you rest.

    The early weeks after birth can be chaotic and having an experienced doula around is a great benefit if you’re a new mother!



    What are your favorite tips for surviving the 4th trimester? I’d love you to share them in the comments!


    *Affiliate Disclaimer: I only ever endorse products or programs that I have personally used and benefited from. This post may contain affiliate links which means I’d receive a small commission, at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase using my links. If you do make a purchase – thank you for helping to support my family through my blog!

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