Are you unsure if you’re burning out, going crazy, or if what you’re experiencing is normal? If so, then this article is for you.
We take a deeper look into motherhood burnout so that your mental health can recover and you can get back to enjoying being a good mom, happy parent, and fulfilled Goddess!
What Is Motherhood Burnout
Motherhood Burnout can be experienced in a variety of different ways, and each mom’s experience of parental burnout is different. It is often reported to feel like a disinterest in motherhood, intense overwhelm, exhaustion, personal disassociation from parenting, and disengagement with life and your personal duties.
You may feel like the lights are on, but nobody’s home. Or that you’re going through the motions of life as opposed to being in the present moment and enjoying life—stuck in survival mode. Or perhaps you might feel like isolating yourself, and a loss of identity. You might experience intrusive thoughts telling you that you’re a bad mom and in the worst-case scenario maybe even suicidal thoughts.
SAHM Burnout Stages (Stay-At-Home Mom)
There are 5 key symptoms or stages of parental burnout. This is often known as ‘Stay At Home Mom’ burnout, but it certainly isn’t reserved for stay-at-home moms, it can affect all moms and fathers too.
Parental burnout doesn’t really discriminate, it can affect anyone. It doesn’t matter if you’re a new mom, an experienced mom with older kids and a new baby, a single mom, or a mom with a huge network of support—you can still experience motherhood burnout so it’s important to look out for the symptoms and avoid burnout by staying mindful and taking positive action for your mental health.
One of the key ways to avoid motherhood burnout is by understanding the signs and stages, so you can improve your mental wellbeing and decrease your stress level.
1. The Honeymoon Stage
This is the Stepford Housewife stage. Where you’re trying to do it all, and all the time. You have a new baby and it’s all go-go-go.
This stage may or may not feel good.
Some mums start feeling overwhelmed in this stage, while others don’t. Others feel like they’re crushing life.
But the underlying consistency is that—Mama, you’re doing too much, and it’s not sustainable. You’re taking on too much responsibility, compulsively putting everything before yourself, and not taking enough ‘me’ time to decompress.
You’re in survival mode, and yes you can do it (of course you can, you’re a Queen)—but for how long, and at what cost?
2. The Infancy Of Stress And Chronic Stress
Oh, lookie here. Some cracks are appearing.
Stage two is where the onset of chronic stress starts to appear. Perhaps you start experiencing more negative self-talk, fatigue, guilt, or sadness.
The onset of motherhood burnout can start showing in different ways, but you’ll start noticing either the physical symptoms or that your mental health is not quite right…
In this stage, you’re still doing it all. But you’re starting to feel the effects of your actions.
3. Chronic Stress
Houston, we have a situation. The engine is spluttering and the wheels have officially fallen off.
During this stage, negative self-talk has probably increased, and you may be experiencing anxiety, depression, and irritation. Your nervous system is out of sorts—so if you experience a stressful situation your stress response goes wild.
In this stage, you’re still somewhat managing the situation and doing ‘the things’ but you don’t feel happy and experience more stress than peace.
You are most likely experiencing high blood pressure, intense emotion, and sadness combined with guilt, possibly even anger.
4. Parental Burnout
The stage of self-implosion.
You may be experiencing sleep problems, or weight loss if you’re not eating correctly. Self-care may be a foreign word that you don’t understand.
Negative thinking has probably almost entirely taken over and in extreme cases, you may be experiencing clinical depression or suicidal thoughts. You may be turning to negative habits and weak spots to cope such as alcohol, drugs, or other destructive behaviors.
Life may feel impossible and you simply cannot cope. The slightest distress is unmanageable and you very well may be starting to store trauma.
5. Cyclical Burnout
The unfortunate new normal.
You don’t remember what it was like to not feel stressed all the time.
In this stage, your burnout becomes a consistent cycle of habits and behaviors that keep the cycle of burnout going. It feels like there’s no way out and you’re at rock bottom.
How To Explain Mom Burnout To Husband
It can be hard to explain mom burnout to your partner, because the truth is, you might not even fully understand it yourself.
All the moms on Pinterest and Instagram seem to be happy, coping, and enjoying their newborn child—and their houses are immaculate?! So you might find yourself questioning why you don’t feel the same.
You might not fully understand why you feel the way you feel, or what to do about it, let alone how to explain to your partner that things are just too much.
The best thing is to provide your husband with resources such as this blog article, so he can read through it first, and then you can approach the conversation together after. This takes the stress off from you having to explain something that may be traumatic for you and extremely hard to explain.
When we are in survival mode and fight or flight our ability to communicate well and constructively decreases.
How To Recover From Mom Burnout
If you’re experiencing an extreme case of motherhood burnout such as clinical depression or suicidal thoughts then please go and see a medical health professional first and foremost. That being said, if you’re experiencing other symptoms such as insomnia and anxiety it can also be worth speaking to your doctor about your experience too.
You may or may not want to take medication, and that’s fine, no one is going to force you to. But it can massively help to get it off your chest, combined with speaking to someone who understands.
Your doctor might also be able to provide extra help such as a therapist who you can work with to offload stress whilst also dismantling unhealthy habits, thoughts, and behaviors.
Not only that, it is often easier, to be honest about your darkest thoughts to someone outside of your community, or friend group, and that is not a family member.
Asides from professional help from a medical health professional and therapy there are steps that you can take for yourself to start dismantling your motherhood burnout symptoms and cycles.
Any practice or hobby that helps you to tap into relaxation is going to help you to destress and bring your blood pressure down. But you’ll also want to create healthy habits and strategies to avoid the ongoing cycle of burnout. Such as seeing if another caregiver can look after your kids whilst you embark on regular self-care activities.
Check out my article on self-love tips for some inspiration for self-care. You can also download my free habit tracker to make sure you carry out your self-care tasks.
Meditations Made For You
Check out my meditation library and how we can work together 1:1 to make sure you’re living a life of authenticity and alignment.
Tips To Recover From Mom Burnout
Here are some simple ideas of hobbies or tasks which might help your mom burnout recovery:
1. Yoga
Yoga is great because it encourages mindfulness and deep breathing which helps to lower your blood pressure. Clinical research by the International Journal of Preventative Medicine found that yoga is an effective complementary medicine to help reduce the impact of anxiety, stress, and depression.¹
2. Walks In Nature
Walking in nature and getting some fresh air is a great way to destress. It doesn’t have to be long but get out of the house daily for at least a 10-minute walk, even if it’s just around the block.
Clinical research by Acta Neurologica Scandinavica reported that higher levels of sun exposure were correlated with lower levels of fatigue and depressive symptoms suggesting that sunlight is good for mental health.
3. Hobbies
Any hobbies that you have that help you to zone out into a flow state of peace and happiness are great. Painting, running, gardening, dancing, and anything creative should hit the spot.
If you’ve forgotten what your hobbies are then my free journal prompts will help you to self-reflect and find yourself again.
4. Self-Care
Self-care practices such as personal grooming, a spa retreat, a face mask, a bubble bath, a facial, or a massage are going to have you feeling like a million dollars.
Check out my blog on health and wellness tips for busy moms for inspiration!
5. Self-Care Habits And Preventative Measures
Aside from things that make you feel good and improve your mood in a particular moment, you’re going to need to come up with deeper structural habits that prevent you from taking on too much.
Asking for help, daily routines, time management skills, and more. In my signature course, I guide you through my signature structure to prevent and overcome overwhelm and burnout for moms.
6. Personal Goals
It’s important to be you aside from being a mom, having personal goals helps you to maintain your personal identity and destress. This allows you to have a higher stress threshold which benefits your mental health and the happiness of your family.
If you’re struggling please remember that you’re not alone. I am here to support you so please feel free to reach out.
You may be experiencing stress and overwhelm but there is a way out. Many moms just like you have gotten through to the other side of parental burnout. You have options, and I am here to help.
If you find yourself in an emergency situation then please call 911. Or if you feel like you are in a crisis or experiencing suicidal thoughts you can also call the Samaritans in your local area or 1(800) 273-TALK to speak to a non-judgemental and supportive suicide prevention support worker.
How would it feel to have an entire step-by-step plan on how to wake up from autopilot and overcome your survival mode cycle once and for all?
Take my hand and join me in The Balanced Mom Method Course to take back control of your time, energy, identity, and life, one nap at a time!
My signature course helps to rid the overwhelm of how, whilst simplifying your transformation over 12 weeks. I teach simple strategies that you can implement into your life for the long term.
You’ll learn where to start and how to take it one habit at a time, based on your struggles, your goals, your schedule, and your LIFE using my I.A.S.I 4-step approach within The Balanced Mom Method formula.
Let’s do the groundwork. Build the foundation. Build your inner habits. Which results in outer habits that can’t be shaken—because you’re finally building them all the right way.
Learn how to connect to you and create sustainable habits so you can start living your life with peace, presence, confidence, clarity, and balance.. reclaim control of your life in motherhood to feel like you again!
Want to learn more? Schedule your FREE clarity call with me!