My Top 6 Tips To Let Go Of Trying To Control The Uncontrollable

Learning to accept and let go is really important. There’s only so much you can control in life, so you’ll need to get really comfortable with the things outside of your control.

In this article, I share my top tips on how to let go of trying to control the uncontrollable. 


Here Are My Top Tips To Reduce Stress And Practice Letting Go


1. Turn Your Worry Into Positive Action

You can’t always control the outcome of a situation, but you can control how you act and how you feel.

Whatever you fear, act in alignment with how you’d hope the situation to turn out. As opposed to focusing on the possible negative outcome.

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    2. Practice Love, Joy, And Gratitude

    Where your focus goes, energy flows. Try to practice mindfulness, and aim to live in the present moment whenever you can. Journal and aim to focus on what you are grateful for so that you can fill your heart with feelings of joy and love, instead of fear. 


    3. Find Acceptance

    Acceptance is a huge part of letting go. Finding acceptance and closure helps you to release and let go of any worry, stress, or anxiety that doesn’t serve you.

    If you’d like more tips on how to manage negative intrusive thoughts then you can check out my blog post here.


    4. Stress Management

    Stress management is a huge help when you’re overthinking, worrying, and experiencing anxiety. Try out different modalities to help improve your mental health such as counseling, cognitive behavioral therapy, yoga, deep breathing exercises, and self-care.

    If you’d like to learn more tips for mental wellness for moms, then be sure to check out my blog article here.

    A clinical study notes that stress management can improve with practice and that it has benefits for holistic health.¹


    5. Mindfulness Meditation

    Mindfulness meditation is a great way to become self-aware of negative feelings, unwanted thoughts, anger issues, and unnecessary stress. Self-awareness and conscious personal growth is a great way to help you focus on what benefits you, whilst learning to accept and let go of what doesn’t.

    A clinical study on reducing stress notes that mindfulness can improve with practice and that practitioners can better learn to process emotions, feelings, thoughts, and sensations as and when they arise to reduce stress and anxiety about the future.¹


    6. Positive Affirmations

    Positive affirmations are a really great tool to help overcome unwanted thoughts, negative thoughts, and negative emotions. Positive affirmations are a handy stress management tool that you can use to focus on letting go.

    I like to write positive affirmations down in my journal so I always have some good ones to hand when I need them.



    What are your favorite ways to reduce stress, overwhelm, anxiety and let go of the uncontrollable? Let me know in the comments!


    *Affiliate Disclaimer: I only ever endorse products or programs that I have personally used and benefited from. This post may contain affiliate links which means I’d receive a small commission, at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase using my links. If you do make a purchase – thank you for helping to support my family through my blog!

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